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Tracking my life in 30 minute blocks
Starting in 2023, I have tracked every half hour block in my life. Everything I do is categorized into one of currently 61 categories of activities, ranging from “Sleep” and “Work” to “University Teamwork” and “Political Activism”. Since I am now in the third year of time tracking, the categories have shifted somewhat (for example last year I thankfully did not need the category “Moving appartments”), with the specificity somewhat increasing over time.
Summer on the French Riviera
This past summer I had an internship of 6 months with SAP Labs France on the French Riviera (more specifically in Mougins, a city north of Cannes).
This was as part of a special internship program from my institute, where students are sent abroad for 6 months and can select from a long list of locations, I primarily chose this one because it was the only location which had topics on security. The physical location was a nice perk, and I wanted to go abroad again, even after my last venture left me with mixed feelings.
Metric Meld
tldr: Try it now.
Of course, I am a big fan of the metric system, who isn’t? It is very satisfying to convert units easily into other units and see the relationships between units of very different realms, e.g. quantities from mechanics and electricity. With the SI system of units, all specially named derived units (like Volt, Pascal, Newton) are linear combinations of the seven base units without any additional factors. Then again, using factors is also very nice, because you can use the prefixes kilo, mega all the way to quetta (which was only added to the standard in 2022).